An Overview of our Curriculum
As a Church school, the teachings of the bible guide and influence our practice. Being part of the Birmingham Diocesan Multi-Academy trust, we, like the other schools within our Multi-Academy Trust, work towards ensuring that pupils we serve experience, ‘life in all its fullness.’ (John 10:10).
Our curriculum’s purpose is to develop the children’s understanding, personality and gifts bestowed upon them by God in order for them to let their light shine.
Every aspect of school life, including the curriculum, has been constructed around our school vision and our school values. We have constructed a curriculum which prepares the children of Nethersole academically, emotionally, socially and spiritually to be active and successful participants of British and Global society.
Our sequential knowledge curriculum begins in EYFS, so that students can successfully access a broad and balanced curriculum throughout their education at Nethersole Church Primary Academy. This is underpinned by structured phonics, writing and mathematics lessons in EYFS to ensure core procedural knowledge is secured and that transition into KS1 is successful.
During KS1, focus is placed on reading, writing and mathematics. We ensure all students are reading by the age of six so that they can successfully access a broad and balanced curriculum. Through the Mathematics Mastery programme, we ensure core mathematical knowledge is mastered and practised. Music, PE, humanities and science are carefully planned with specialist support to ensure students are making links across and throughout the curriculum.
Throughout KS2, we seek to carefully develop subject knowledge and build clear sequences in our students’ minds, allowing them to begin to think more coherently, critically, and creatively. Working with subject experts, curriculum leaders are equipped to design carefully crafted sequences of learning.
As teachers and leaders of our Learning Community, we ensure that our curriculum and teaching is informed by the latest evidential research from cognitive science about memory, knowledge retention and practice in order to help students remember, and apply, the best of what has been thought and said. We make knowledge stick for all learners so that all children are equipped to let their light shine.
Ed curriculum is distinctive to our individual context. It is uniquely challenging and provides coherent subject matter, developed by enthusiastic and knowledgeable subject leads, to ensure that children develop broad and deep subject understanding.
By interweaving disciplines, it allows children to see that knowledge is connected – core content and knowledge is sequenced in a precise way. Children revisit concepts to activate prior learning, which is then built upon with new knowledge. Repeated independent practice ensures children retain their knowledge and through structured reflection develop mastery.
We strive to create an environment which facilitates an infectious desire to acquire new knowledge and learn. Through the prioritisation of knowledge, it ensures that all children are knowledgeable enough about the world that they can transform it in the future. In our school, we believe all pupils, regardless of background or needs have the right to access the best that has been said and thought.
We believe that a knowledge-rich and values focused curriculum is central to our pupils’ future success. Once our children have acquired the knowledge from our carefully sequenced curriculum, they will then be ready to lead a successful and happy life – letting their light shine.
At Nethersole, we follow the CUSP (Curriculum with Unity Schools Partnership) for the majority of the subjects as it is:
- ‘Connected’
- ‘Cumulative’
- ‘Coherent’
CUSP is underpinned by evidence, research and cognitive science. Modules are deliberately sequenced for robust progression and allows teachers to focus on the lesson.
There is an emphasis on oracy and vocabulary acquisition, retention and use to break down learning barriers and accelerate progress. A rich diet of language and vocabulary is deliberately planned for.
Specific skills are discreetly taught and practiced so that they become transferable. The sequenced modules activate prior learning, build on skills and deepen knowledge and understanding. Learning, vocabulary and content is cumulative; content is learned, retrieved and built upon.
CUSP is followed for English, History, Geography, Science, DT and Art.
For other subjects, please see linked pages.