Why do learners at The Nethersole Academy need to study Geography?
At Nethersole Church Primary Academy, we believe that Geography motivates and inspires our children to find out about the amazing world that surrounds them. Geography enables children to become global and sustainable citizens who are aware of the world we live in and can take an active part into contributing and protecting the world as they grow up. It also teaches children locational knowledge, place knowledge, human and physical geography and geographical and fieldwork skills starting them and their immediate locality before branching out and examining other parts of the world. This helps to develop children’s curiosity in both their immediate surroundings and places and environments in the wider world whilst also developing the skills necessary to interpret what they see and seek answers to further their knowledge and understanding.
What are the aims for the Geography curriculum?
(i.e. what do we want learners to be able to know and do by the time they leave Nethersole?)
- To understand the physical and human features of a range of locations across the world and how they have changed over time
- To make connections with history and understand how a country’s natural resource often shapes their society, culture and relationship with the rest of the world
- To be able to interpret a range of geographical information such as maps and diagrams