The Office for Standards in Education (Ofsted) is an organisation set up by the government. Their job is to inspect schools (plus other organisations) to ensure that education for children is up to set standards. They are also responsible for ensuring that children are well looked after and kept safe whilst in school.

Our latest Ofsted report can be accessed here.

Ofsted Said…

“Pupils enjoy coming to this warm and nurturing school. They feel safe and happy.

The school is ambitious for all pupils to be successful.”

“Staff and pupils share positive relationships. This contributes to the welcoming environment. Pupils are respectful towards their teachers and trust them to help resolve any problems”

“The school has invested time and resources to plan an ambitious curriculum. It is carefully sequenced and key knowledge is clearly identified. Leaders are reflective about the curriculum. They have thought carefully about how it helps pupils understand their local context and the wider world. Much of the early years curriculum is also newly developed and provides children with the opportunity to learn about a variety of cultures.”

“Staff are proud to work at the school. They have a strong shared sense of working for the pupils in their care.”
