I am delighted to welcome you to the Nethersole Church of England Academy. I took on the headship here in June 2023 and it is an absolute privilege to lead this school and to serve the community, working alongside wonderful staff and children.
As a Church of England Primary School, the Nethersole Church of England Academy has a Christian foundation that inspires its life and work. Following the teaching of Jesus, we accept the challenge – ‘to be light (living in our community and reaching out beyond it) bringing out the God – colours in the world,’ Matthew 5:16.
At the heart of our school is the belief that everyone is a child of God, fearfully and wonderfully made in his image. Our work therefore is to nurture and love every individual, child and adult, to find and develop their gifts, overcoming barriers and growing in confidence to flourish – to let their light shine as the very best God version of themselves. Effective teaching and learning underpin this. We wish to inspire everyone to take responsibility for creation, civilisation, and the well-being of each other, embracing and treasuring our differences.
Our Christ led vision is for a world of justice, respect and love, and of people who are not afraid to love and sacrifice themselves for others. Our inspiration is Jesus, who loves us in sacrifice, forgives us and reminds us that we each have something special to do to bring out the God colours of the world. We believe that there is a space for everyone to shine brightly and differently and that this adds to the richness of our school family, our community and the wider world.
We have developed a rich and progressive curriculum that builds on what the children already know and enables them to remember more. It starts in the Early Years Foundation Stage, with our aim being to effectively prepare children for the next stage in their educational journey. We have high expectations for all our children, irrespective of their starting points and we have a dedicated and hardworking staff team, determined to enable the children to flourish and to let their light’s shine!